What have I done so far? Check it out…

Current and upcoming endeavors:

Teaching Artist at Shelburne Craft School

Student Teaching Internship: Essex High School, Essex, VT (January to April 2022)

  • Created and implemented two units of study for Art 1 and Art 3 classes

  • Provide lesson planning and support in an Adapted Art class

Seasonal Teaching Assistant: Burlington City Arts, Burlington, VT (February and April School Vacations 2022)

  • Supported teaching artists and students in the clay studio

  • Ran afterschool program

Summer Education Intern and Private Lesson Instructor: The Current, Stowe, VT (Summer 2021)

  • Provided instructor, camper, and administrative support for summer art camps and gallery events in the summer of 2021

  • Created and implemented an individualized arts curriculum for students and parents

Teaching Assistant: Shelburne Craft School, Shelburne, VT (Summer 2021)

  • Assisted students of all ages in their exploration of various cultures and art-making practices during the Multicultural Art Club

Assistant Art Teacher: Old North End (ONE) Art Center, Burlington, VT (Spring 2021)

  • Provided childcare and art activities for elementary-aged children in the Burlington School District

Arts and Crafts Specialist: Eisner Camp, Great Barrington, MA (Summers 2017, 2018, and 2019)

  • Created and implemented art and jewelry lessons for campers 6 to 16 years